Sunday, August 10, 2008

HRT at the Hard Rock Cafe Aug.10, 2008

Last night I photographed HRT at the Hard Rock Cafe in Boston at the Rock for Autism Benefit.
They played an incredible show. Marlane, Lisa, Tammy, Emily and Marion were
all at their best. HRT is 5 dynamic women, all moms, all over 40, who started a
rock band 3 years ago. They have appeared on The Today Show, Fox 25, WAAF,
South by Southwest Music Festival, Boston Magazine, The Boston Globe, The Boston
Herald, and are the stars of a 13 episode TV series aired on Slice TV in Canada called
Rocker Moms.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Lauren and Adam's Wedding

Lori and I photographed Lauren and Adam's Wedding on July 20th, at the Westin Providence.
The chuppah was a gorgeous natural setting, with live trees, flowers and ribbons.
What a beautiful party they had! Great dancing crowd, it was a lot of fun to photograph.
Mazel Tov to Lauren and Adam for a beautiful lifetime together!!